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God is the Master Planner, who thinks like an architect, laying things out in advance with cause, effect, order, and balance. He has the end in mind right from the beginning and does what it takes to make things work while factoring in our own choices. When we look back on His leading, we can see how it all makes sense. We find that our lives are progressive, not random or scattered with abrupt turns and dead ends. Our lives should evidence one thing leading to another because they were planned by the greatest Mind in the universe. This is one reason why God speaks with such authority in Scripture:


I am God, and there is none else; I am God, and there is none like me, declaring the end from the beginning, and from ancient times the things that are not yet done, saying, My counsel shall stand, and I will do all my pleasure. (Isaiah 46:9–10)


Far too often, however, we do our own thing. We forfeit what He planned and settle for the best we can come up with on our own. We may even just do what our circumstances throw our way.


I believe the Lord wrote a plan for our lives according to what brought Him the most amount of pleasure. Our own pleasure in life is indelibly linked to His. We will find our purpose by seeking what brings Him pleasure. In this booklet, we explore what a vision is and how we can tap into it.


In this booklet, we explore what a vision is and how we can tap into it.


It is also available as an eBook

A Vision That Holds -- Booklet

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